MySQL Interview – ChatGPT is not your DBA

Given the recent surge of interest in ChatGPT and the AI capabilities it offers, I decided to conduct an interview with it to assess its suitability for a MySQL Consultant position. This blog post is a result of that interview, during which I asked ChatGPT a range of questions related to MySQL and other relevant topics.

As I expected, the interview candidate performed well on the theoretical questions, but some of their answers to the practical questions were incorrect and could potentially cause significant damage to a database.

This blog post only includes a portion of the full interview conversation.

How will you restore single table from a backup from the full backup taken via Xtrabackup?

To restore a single table from a full backup taken using Xtrabackup, you will first need to restore the full backup to your MySQL server. Once the full backup has been restored, you can use the mysql command-line client to connect to your MySQL server and use the RESTORE TABLE command to restore the single table you want from the backup.

For example, if you want to restore the mytable table from the full backup, you can use the following command:

RESTORE TABLE mytable FROM '/path/to/backup/dir';

You will need to replace ‘/path/to/backup/dir’ with the actual path to the directory where your full backup is stored.

Once you have restored the single table from the backup, it will be available for use on your MySQL server. You can then query the table using SELECT statements as you would with any other table in your database.

What? I don’t know any such command in MySQL! Can you show me a documentation link?

I apologize if I made a mistake. There is no RESTORE TABLE command in MySQL that can be used to restore a single table from a full backup taken using Xtrabackup.

To restore a single table from a full backup taken using Xtrabackup, you will first need to restore the full backup to your MySQL server. Once the full backup has been restored, you can use the mysqldump command to extract the single table you want from the backup and import it into your MySQL server.

For example, if you want to restore the mytable table from the full backup, you can use the following commands:

# Extract the table from the backup

mysqldump --user=username --password=password --host=hostname --port=port --databases database_name --tables mytable --no-create-info --skip-triggers --skip-routines > mytable.sql

# Import the table into your MySQL server

mysql --user=username --password=password --host=hostname --port=port database_name < mytable.sql

You will need to replace username, password, hostname, port, and database_name with the appropriate values for your MySQL server.

Once you have imported the single table from the backup, it will be available for use on your MySQL server. You can then query the table using SELECT statements as you would with any other table in your database.

If you want to learn more about the mysqldump command and how it can be used to extract data from a MySQL database, you can check the official MySQL documentation.

I think you can explore little more on Percona Xtrabackup. There is a way you can restore a table without restoring full backup. All you need to do is prepare backup and provide additional option ” –export”.

You are correct. In Percona Xtrabackup, you can restore a single table from a full backup without having to restore the entire backup first. To do this, you will need to use the xtrabackup command with the –prepare and –export options.

For example, if you want to restore the mytable table from a full backup stored in the /path/to/backup/dir directory, you can use the following command:

xtrabackup --prepare --export --target-dir=/path/to/backup/dir --databases database_name --tables mytable

This will prepare the backup and export the mytable table from the backup to a SQL file in the /path/to/backup/dir directory. You can then import the SQL file into your MySQL server using the mysql command-line client, as shown in the previous response.

mysql --user=username --password=password --host=hostname --port=port database_name < /path/to/backup/dir/mytable.sql

Once you have imported the single table from the backup, it will be available for use on your MySQL server. You can then query the table using SELECT statements as you would with any other table in your database.

Are you sure –export will export the table “mytable” to a SQL file?

Yes, I am sure that the –export option in the xtrabackup command will export the specified table to a SQL file.

The –export option is used to export the tables from a prepared backup to individual SQL files. When used with the –tables option, it will export the specified table(s) to SQL files.

That’s wrong. Export will not create a SQL file. It will prepare the ibd file for the table ready for import.

You are correct. The –export option in the xtrabackup command does not create a SQL file. Instead, it prepares the table’s .ibd file for import into the MySQL server.

When used with the –prepare and –tables options, the xtrabackup command will prepare the specified table(s) in the backup for import into the MySQL server. This will extract the table’s .ibd file from the backup and make it ready for import.

For example, the following command will prepare the mytable table in a prepared backup for import into the MySQL server:

xtrabackup --prepare --export --target-dir=/path/to/backup/dir --databases database_name --tables mytable

This will extract the mytable.ibd file from the backup and place it in the /path/to/backup/dir directory. You can then import the .ibd file into your MySQL server using the mysql command-line client, as shown in the previous response.

mysql --user=username --password=password --host=hostname --port=port database_name < /path/to/backup/dir/mytable.ibd

Once you have imported the single table from the backup, it will be available for use on your MySQL server. You can then query the table using SELECT statements as you would with any other table in your database.

If you want to learn more about the xtrabackup command and its available options, you can check the official Percona Xtrabackup documentation at

again wrong! You cannot import an ibd file to a database like this!

I apologize if my previous response was incorrect. You are correct that you cannot directly import an .ibd file into a MySQL database.

To import an .ibd file into a MySQL database, you will first need to create the table in the database with the same structure as the table in the backup. You can do this using the CREATE TABLE statement in the mysql command-line client.

For example, if you want to import the mytable.ibd file into the database_name database, you can use the following commands:

# Create the table in the database

mysql> CREATE TABLE mytable (
…> column1 datatype,
…> column2 datatype,
…> );

# Import the .ibd file into the table

mysql> COPY mytable.ibd TO '/path/to/backup/dir/mytable.ibd';

You will need to replace datatype with the appropriate data types for the columns in the mytable table, and replace ‘/path/to/backup/dir’ with the actual path to the directory where the mytable.ibd file is stored.

Once you have imported the .ibd file into the mytable table in the database, you can query the table using SELECT statements as you would with any other table in your database.


I received feedback about sharing a correct approach to the question I asked to ChatGPT, so I quickly wrote a blog with demo here: Restore a single table in MySQL using Xtrabackup.


It is important to remember that ChatGPT or any other AI model is not a substitute for a trained and experienced database administrator (DBA). These models are still learning and may not always provide accurate or reliable information. It is always a good idea to research a subject thoroughly and consult with experts before making any important decisions or implementing recommendations based on AI-generated information. While AI technology is impressive and can be very useful, it should not be relied upon as a replacement for a qualified DBA.

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