MySQL Load Data Infile Syntax Generator Tool Download

MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE is a common command used to load delimited data to MySQL database. Here’s a tool to generate the Syntax for MySQL’s LOAD DATA INFILE command. I have written a comprehensive guide explaining how load load data to MySQL including various example scenarios.

This is very simple excel tool that will allow you to generate the LOAD DATA syntax as per your choices. Presently sample table name and field/line separators are specified, which you may alter as per your own file.

Download the sheet here: Load Data To MySQL


MySQL Load data infile syntax:

Options column specifies options that are required for syntax generation.
Under Selection column you will choose your option.
Under Description column, for each Option description is provided.

Using basic knowledge of MySQL’s LOAD DATA command, you can quite easily generate the syntax by specifying option, choosing file to be loaded and finally clicking the Syntax button.

This is a “early release”, please check for the updates. If you have any suggestions or bug report please comment / mail.


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