The Dos Chat – Lan Messenger

This is a LAN Messenger which allows you to chat with friends on local network. The Dos based chat program is just like a chat program but only for LAN. What you need to have is: This tool, a desire for communication and an IP / Machine Name. In one line, its a “batch program for chatting”.

To Install LAN Messenger / Dos Chat:

The file setup-dos-chat.bat enables the Messenger Service on your windows machine. Or you can enable dos based chat manually by enabling Messenger Service.

The Code:

@echo off

mode con cols=75 lines=20

TITLE Dos Chat – Lan Messenger by Krex :: Starting…


echo ********** Dos-Chat by Krex **********

set /p n=Enter IP Address or Machine-Name:

TITLE Chatting with – %n% – Lan Messenger by Krex:

echo **********  Chatting with: %n%  **********


set /p m=Message:

net send %n% %m%

Goto A

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :  : :  : : : : : :

: : Dos-chat – A GNU/GPL Lan Messenger ;): :

: :                          : :

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :  : : : : : : : : : : : : :

I hope you’ll enjoy it.

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