Using VLookup like Batch script to compare two excel / csv

Using Vlookup:

I have two csv files; File1 has Id and Value Columns and File2 has Id.

Problem: I need to compare both files and put respective values to File2 from File1.

Solution: VLookup in excel


Descriptions in details for this function and each respected field are easily available in excel help.

Download Files: File1, File2

Batch script to compare and assign value-simulate vlookup:

Further I came up with a batch script to compare field value, simulate vlookup. After doinglittle testing, I managed to fix it.

for /f “tokens=1 delims=, skip=1” %%i in (File2.csv) do @findstr  “%%i,” File1.csv >nul & If errorlevel 0 if not errorlevel 1 (for /f “tokens=1,2 delims=,” %%m in (‘findstr /i /L “%%i,” File1.csv’) do (@echo %%m,%%n>>output.csv echo %%i)) else (echo %%i,NA>>output.csv)

Please consider this batch script is written specifically for these csv and prove my understanding.
This script will compare file2 with file1, extract similar data from file1 and put it in output.csv.

Download batch file: vlookup-batch.bat

If you find any difficulty or don’t yield required results by following above process or using script, comment.

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