batch script to add remove prefix zero pad bulk file rename

This post has two batch scripts:
1. Batch script to rename files with zero padded number series-prefix

2. Batch script to remove prefix of perticular length

1. Batch script to rename files with zero padded number series-prefix

This script will accept file-type to be searched and lenght of zero-padded prefix to be attached.

Usage: RenZeroPad.bat

Consider you have to rename / arrange a lot of mp3 files in a perticular sequence:

File names before execution:

Command on dos prompt: RenZeroPad.bat mp3 4

File names with attached prefix:
0001 fileX.mp3
0002 fileY.mp3
0003 fileZ.mp3


The Batch Script to add zero pad digits prefix:

@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set /a cnt=1
for %%i in (*.%1) do (
call :Set0Pad %2

set newName=!str! %%i
ren “%%i” “!newName!”

set padcntr=0000000000%cnt%
set str=%padcntr:~-%1%
set renstr=%str%
set /a cnt+=1

** Download available at the end of the page.

2. Batch script to remove prefix of perticular length

This script will accept file-type to be searched and lenght of prefix to be removed.

Usage: RemovePrefix.bat

Consider you have to rename / remove prefixes from a bunch of files:


Command on dos prompt: RemovePrefix.bat mp3 5

Files will be renamed with removed prefixes as follows:

The Batch Script to remove prefix:

@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set /a cnt=1
for %%i in (*.%1) do (
set str=%%i
set newstr=!str:~%2!
ren “%%i” “!newstr!”

Download: RemovePrefix.bat and RenZeroPad.bat

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