batch script to add remove prefix zero pad bulk file rename

This post has two batch scripts:
1. Batch script to rename files with zero padded number series-prefix

2. Batch script to remove prefix of perticular length

1. Batch script to rename files with zero padded number series-prefix

This script will accept file-type to be searched and lenght of zero-padded prefix to be attached.

Usage: RenZeroPad.bat

Consider you have to rename / arrange a lot of mp3 files in a perticular sequence:

File names before execution:

Command on dos prompt: RenZeroPad.bat mp3 4

File names with attached prefix:
0001 fileX.mp3
0002 fileY.mp3
0003 fileZ.mp3


The Batch Script to add zero pad digits prefix:

@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set /a cnt=1
for %%i in (*.%1) do (
call :Set0Pad %2

set newName=!str! %%i
ren “%%i” “!newName!”

set padcntr=0000000000%cnt%
set str=%padcntr:~-%1%
set renstr=%str%
set /a cnt+=1

** Download available at the end of the page.

2. Batch script to remove prefix of perticular length

This script will accept file-type to be searched and lenght of prefix to be removed.

Usage: RemovePrefix.bat

Consider you have to rename / remove prefixes from a bunch of files:


Command on dos prompt: RemovePrefix.bat mp3 5

Files will be renamed with removed prefixes as follows:

The Batch Script to remove prefix:

@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set /a cnt=1
for %%i in (*.%1) do (
set str=%%i
set newstr=!str:~%2!
ren “%%i” “!newstr!”

Download: RemovePrefix.bat and RenZeroPad.bat

  1. please help me….i need a batch to delete the sufix “.nusm” from mi files name….can help me please?

  2. I am looking to just rename *.jpg files to a fixed length. They all need to be 7 left of .jpg?
    Can your example pad script be modified to do that easily?
    1234567.jpg ok already.
    123456.jpg needs to be 0123456.jpg
    And of course they could start with 26.jpg (one or more numbers left of jpg) for example 0000026.jpg


  3. You may read from and write to a file to remember last file name using batch script.
    Create a counter.txt to store the last variable value
    As per my script use following line to assign last counter value.

    set /p cnt=counter.txt

    Consider this:-

    Step 1: Create counter.txt in same directory of script.
    step 2: Use below script updated to read counter value from a text file and rename from that number.

    @echo off
    setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

    :: set /a cnt=1
    set /p cnt=counter.txt

    set padcntr=0000000000%cnt%
    set str=!padcntr:~-%1!
    set renstr=%str%
    set /a cnt+=1

  4. I need to create an batch file that will
    rename a file on my F: drive

    named MyBackup 00001.qic

    to MyBackup nnnnn.qic (nnnnn = next available file number).

    For example if files exist:
    MyBackup 00002.qic
    MyBackup 00003.qic
    MyBackup 00004.qic
    MyBackup 00005.qic

    then rename MyBackup 00001.qic to MyBackup 00006.qic

    Yes, the file names always have a space just before the 5 digit number.

    Since I am just learning how to write .bat files for my Windows2000 Computers,

    File Renamer

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