It always feels good to have a capable camera and it feels even better to explore new capacities of my Sony DSC-HX1 🙂
After entering into manual mode and understanding a bit of photography basics, I turned exploring something really creative and exciting in photography.
Light Writing… quite self explanatory, writing with the light source and importantly making sense there-after 🙂
What it takes to take a light writing?
– Exposure: A long exposure time is a basic requirement for your camera. My Sony DSC-HX1 provides enough long exposure time, 30 sec.
– A tripod: Without a steady support you won’t be able get the perfect shot. Anything more than 1 second has a risk of introducing “hand-shaking” effect in your capture. I don’t have tripod but I managed. 😉
– Light Source: A light emitting source.
– A dark place, really dark :).
– Have your ISO least and aperture value higher. Play a bit with settings, you’ll figure it out.
Also you have to imagine a virtual surface and sense of in-focus area, to capture a perfect light writing sample.
Below are my first captures into “light writing”:
First Word: Love (expressing my love towards Sony DSC-HX1)
F-Number: F/3.5
Exposure Time: 5 Sec.
ISO: ISO-125
Well that’s me in the back… and that’s why proper darkness is required.
Also, do remember, camera will capture a mirror image and you’ll have to do basic editing!
and my name: Krex
F-Number: F/3.5
Exposure Time: 5 Sec.
ISO: ISO-125
More later…
1 comment
I need a spotlight writing in my sitting room and one in my office.Please let me know the cost and how do i get it