My list of must have free softwares-2010

As soon as I got a pc I start looking at Configuration, Connectivity [;)] and Installations. As for humans Food, Air, Water are basic necessities; for my computer I always…

My worst mathematical program in perl

I have a Mathe-crap-matical friend. Who keeps digging into graves of dead formulas and equations and all possible Math related stuffs. Since I started understanding Mathematics (that it’s not my…

Extreme Movie Review: I hate Luv Stories-2010

I hate Luv Stories. No! it’s not a spell mistake, they have intentionally made it “LUV” as they love LOVE stories.Since I heard the name, I started hating the movie…

A User review-Apple IPhone-4: I

Techie nerds, geeks or even company reviews are quite interesting and have their importance but a “User Review” is something which you won’t like to ignore; you should not. IPhone-4…